Friday, April 16, 2010

Family Time

Jim's sister and her family were here this week staying with us for a conference. As always, it was wonderful time both for the cousins to be together, and for Jim's birthday to be celebrated yet again, and for me to talk with my sissy in law. Here are some cute pics of some of the kiddos together. The first is of my two nieces. Aren't they cuties? And the second is of our big boys and their cousin John--all who are crazy about Spiderman!!  :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Birthday Banana Splits!

My sweet husband is 36 years old today, and we celebrated with banana splits rather than cake. Because of our two March birthdays, and because we just had Easter, we have recently eaten three cakes, and I'm caked-out! So, banana splits it was today.

We began our day with presents in bed. This seems to be a new favorite tradition of our family that began a year and a half or so ago. So first thing in the morning now, we open gifts in bed together--the whole fam. Then we had a special breakfast of sausage and fried eggs--yum! Not our everyday oatmeal. And now tonight we'll go out to dinner at Macaroni Grill for a special treat. It's so fun to celebrate, and my husband's life is definitely one worth celebrating!!! I love you, Jim Hamilton!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Playtime...uh, I Mean Yardwork

My husband's remarkably generous parents just gave him this wonderful riding lawnmower when they last visited. It sure has made his life easier as far as mowing goes. What used to take over an hour is now finished in less than half an hour! We are so grateful...and all the boys love it, as you can imagine!!!  :)

Strange Children!

I'm not sure quite why, but our two big boys have taken to making up their beds after we say night-night to them, and then falling asleep on top of all the covers, with everything looking nice and neat. Biggest says that he doesn't have to make his bed the next day that way. Whatever! Crazy horses!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Empty Tomb Cake

My dear FIL wanted to see this cake I made for Easter. It was a lot of fun to make this, display it for the kids, and then take it to church for our Easter potluck. I also had a sign by it that said, "He is not here. He has risen!" You have to look closely, but there is a "stone that was rolled away" up against the tomb also. This cake was super easy--of course. That's all I ever do!   :)

This Time Already!!

Today we busted out the Batman Bop Bag that sprays out water! Yes, we're in swimsuits already--in early April! But it's been very, very warm for a week or so, and it's beautiful! You can see here from the pics that we have a Skinny Minny and a Chunkeroo. The Redhead here on the right just turned 4, and he's wearing a size 7 swimsuit, just as our firstborn is here on the left, who is about to be 6 1/2!! The Red is actually 2-3 pounds heavier than his elder brother! How we love our big boys!!! They're such fun!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Understanding the Rock

Just when you think your 4-year-old is getting it he says this, (an exact quote from this morning) "The cross was laid on a rock to pay the penalty for Jesus' sin."

See, we are using Resurrection Eggs (love 'em) right now during this Easter week to tell again the story of Jesus' death, beginning with his entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, all the way to the empty tomb. Well, today's symbol tucked inside the pink egg was a rock. So, our Redhead took it out and declared he knew what it meant. Hence, "The cross was laid on a rock to pay the penalty for Jesus' sin." Hilarious! Of course, the cross was clearly NOT laid on a rock, and more importantly, Jesus had NO need of payment for sin, other than OURS, because He did not have any sin!!!!!  :)

The rock, by the way, stood for the rock rolled in front of Jesus' tomb to seal it.

I love motherhood.